Hair Transplant

This procedure involves transplanting hair from one area of the scalp to another to restore hair growth.

Patient suffering from hair loss in consultation with a doctor. Doctor using skin marker

You may be a good candidate for a hair transplant if you are experiencing hair loss and have enough healthy hair follicles to transplant to the thinning or balding areas. The best way to determine if you are a good candidate is to consult with a dermatologist or plastic surgeon who can evaluate your specific needs and medical history.

Hair transplant surgery can be performed using one of two methods: follicular unit transplantation (FUT) or follicular unit extraction (FUE). In FUT, a strip of skin containing healthy hair follicles is removed from the back or side of the head and then dissected into individual follicular units. These units are then transplanted to the thinning or balding areas. In FUE, individual follicular units are harvested directly from the scalp using a special punch tool and then transplanted to the desired areas.

The length of the procedure will depend on the extent of the treatment and the method being used. A hair transplant can take anywhere from several hours to several days to complete.

Hair transplant surgery is typically performed on an outpatient basis, so you will not need to stay in the hospital after the procedure. However, you may need to have someone drive you home after the procedure, as the effects of the anesthesia can take several hours to wear off.

After the procedure, you will need to follow the surgeon’s instructions for caring for the transplant site and managing any discomfort. You may experience some swelling, bruising, and crusting at the donor and recipient sites, which should resolve within a few days. The transplanted hair will fall out within the first two to three weeks after the procedure, but new hair growth should begin within several months.

Hair transplant surgery will typically leave scars at the donor and recipient sites. However, these scars should be well-hidden by the surrounding hair and will become less noticeable over time.

Most people are able to return to their normal daily activities within a few days of hair transplant surgery. However, you should avoid strenuous activity and follow your surgeon’s instructions for caring for the transplant site. It may take several weeks or months for the swelling to fully resolve and for the final results to be apparent.

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