Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction surgery is a procedure that involves the removal of extra fat, tissue, and skin from the breasts to make them smaller in size. It can result in more proportional breasts and improved self-image.

Breast Reduction Surgery

If your breasts are too large and cause physical discomfort or embarrassment, or if you find it difficult to purchase clothing that fits correctly, then you may be a suitable candidate for breast reduction. Consulting with a qualified plastic surgeon is the best way to assess whether this procedure is right for you, as they can take into account your personal history and needs.

Breast reduction surgery typically involves general anesthesia being administered before the procedure. During the operation, an incision is made in the breast and any extra skin, fat and tissue are removed to reduce the size. The nipple and areola may also be repositioned if needed.

The procedure typically takes about 2-3 hours to complete.

Breast reduction is usually done as an outpatient procedure, meaning you will not need to spend the night in the hospital. However, you will likely require a ride home after your surgery due to the lingering effects of the anesthesia. Make sure you have someone on stand-by to pick you up and take care of you after the procedure.

Following breast reduction surgery, temporary swelling and bruising can be expected. Additionally, you may experience some discomfort that can be managed through pain medication. To ensure optimal healing and results it is important to follow your surgeon’s instructions while recovering. This includes taking any medications prescribed, limiting physical activities, and properly caring for the treated area.

Breast reduction surgery usually results in small, discreet scars around the nipple and areola, as well as along the breast. Although your scars may be visible initially, they will fade with time and become less noticeable, especially when hidden under clothing.

After breast reduction surgery, most people can resume daily activities within one or two weeks. It is important to avoid strenuous activity during the recovery period and adhere to your surgeon’s instructions for proper care of the treated area. This will help ensure optimal healing and results.

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