Cat Eye Surgery (Canthoplasty)

This procedure involves altering the outer corners of the eyes to achieve that iconic cat eye shape.

Cat Eye Surgery

If you are considering cat eye reshaping surgery, there are certain factors to consider before undergoing the procedure. You may be a good candidate for surgery if you have drooping or sagging upper eyelids that you would like to improve. However, it is important to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon who can assess your particular needs and medical history before proceeding with the operation.

Typically, cat eye surgery is done using local anesthesia and involves making an incision along the upper eyelid’s natural crease. Excess skin and fat will be removed, then the surrounding area is smoothed over.

The procedure typically takes about 1-2 hours to complete.

Cat eye surgery is typically done as an outpatient procedure, so there’s no need to spend the night in a hospital afterwards.

After cat eye surgery, it’s normal to experience some swelling and bruising that should go away in a few days. Pain medication can be used to manage any discomfort you may have. The surgeon will provide instructions on how to care for the treated area and what kinds of activities should be avoided during the recovery period.

With cat eye surgery, it is expected that the scars along the upper eyelid will be well-camouflaged and should become less visible with healing.

Usually, individuals can go back to their normal routine after a few days. In order to ensure proper healing, it’s important that they follow the doctor’s instructions and abstain from any intensive physical activities.

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