
Vaginoplasty involves tightening the muscles and skin of the vagina to improve its appearance and function.


If you have loose or stretched vaginal tissue that causes discomfort or affects your sexual satisfaction, vaginoplasty may be a suitable option for you. To find out whether this is the case, it’s recommended that you meet with a plastic surgeon who can assess your individual situation and medical history.

Vaginoplasty is most often done with the patient under general anesthesia. The procedure involves making a cut in the vaginal tissue followed by tightening and reshaping it to achieve a more youthful and attractive look.

The procedure can take anywhere from 1-2 hours to complete, depending on the extent of the treatment.

Vaginoplasty is usually done as an outpatient procedure, meaning that you do not need to stay overnight in the hospital. However, it is recommended that you arrange for someone to drive you home due to the lingering effects of anesthesia, which can take several hours to wear off.

Following vaginoplasty, some swelling and bruising can be expected and should dissipate within a few days. You may experience some discomfort, which can be managed with pain medication. To aid in the recovery process, it is important to follow the surgeon’s guidance for caring for the treated area and to avoid strenuous activity while healing.

Vaginoplasty will usually produce a scar line at the incision site, though this should lighten with time and be concealed among the folds of vaginal tissue.

Most individuals can get back to their everyday activities shortly after the procedure. To ensure proper healing, strenuous activity should be avoided and the surgeon’s instructions concerning care of the treated area should be adhered to. It may take several weeks or months before the swelling is gone and the final results become visible.

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